Pete, Roger, Paul, Jeff and Newbie Robert went diving on a cool morning.

Roger all alone and unafraid found 2 anchors by the yacht club

Paul went with Pete and came back dry, but a bit cold.

Somebody was watching the parade, but broke away to say hi to his dive buddies!

Pete was thrilled that John, Katelyn and Otter came for a visit

Paul & Roger were snacking on the wonderful Danish from Sherri, Katelyn would not touch it...not a diver she was told and food/beer is ONLY for the divers!

Setting up, John had to make sure lot was finished the day before and had his buddy Otter helping finish the parking lot at Nag!

John was wearing his famous shirt for the parade...Yup he blew off diving with his buddies to watch the parade again, but he did show up to say hi. :)

Paul thought that was great!

Happy Turkey Day to all!