Well it started off with no rain to load the boat; however, that changed before we anchored. Eight divers included Jim & Steph from Stillwater Diving LLC https://www.stillwaterdiving.com/, President Greb, ID Jeff, Roger, Mark, Pete & John.

Ever want to know what a Bottle Whore looks like? See below

Baton down the hatches with 3 anchors and whitecaps over the floats, but plenty of bootie to find

Only loss was Mark's GoPro :( and his tank of air ;)

We came up in the tail end of the storm, came back to the launch for some delicious Guinness beef sliders supplied by John & Sue :) . So good here is the recipe https://www.lemontreedwelling.com/guinness-beef-sliders/
Beers supplied by Info director Jeff and we drank him dry :)
A great day with a few people monkeying around.
