It was the first time on Okauchee this season. We had a great day for diving , the sun was out but still a little chilly at 5 degrees above zero. A much smaller group tihs week, Roger, Jeff, Jim, Paul ,Rhonda and myself. We dove off of Nichols point to depths of 80 ft. The vis was quite good even though the water appeared to have a brown tint . Not a thing brought back to the surface was worth keeping but we did rid the lake of a few pounds of junk.
The DNR came out to visit us along with Fox 6 news doing a report on the amount of trash that end up in lakes from recreation. Roger did a very nice interview that aired Sunday night at 9 on Fox 6. you can go to the Fox 6 website and seach scuba to view the interview.
After the dive we enjoyed Italian beef sandwiches brought by Jim and refreshment that one again Jeff was nice enough to supply.
Red Boat in 45 feet of water:
The link to the news report on FOX6. This aired at 9:30pm on Sunday March 3rd, 2019: