Checking 6 lakes for ice off, the ever observant Otter helped as much as he could.

Not for Pine, Nehmabin, Nashota, Golden,...

no, no, no, no...

Well even Nag didn't look so good from the launch.

A little layer of ice was out on the big lake, but how thick was it really by the beach?

Only one way to find out if it is safe for the divers...gotta send someone out

Yup, Otter volunteered to see how thick the ice was for the human friends.

Well send the dog and see if he can make it there and back

he made it!

Well that was good news, now we know we can dive! Otter is through so are we!

Roger, Pete, Jeff, John & visitor Tom

Shared a good dark beer and a few stories. Poor Pete got hooked by the lilly pad island.

Well I think that is it for shore diving season, now we just have to meet at various bars/entertainment zones/libraries,... until the ice is hard or we find Elvis

Lori has some big eyes for sweets meanwhile...

Roger where are the eyes?

Yup, former ID is researching dive locations at Milwaukee Public Library.

The trip to Nag was fun, clear to 60 feet and just a few rewards. Ah but spring will soon be in the air.
