Seven ice divers out on Pewaukee Lake –
In the order of when they were released:
Pete & Jim, John aka “Pig Pen” & Jeff, Paul & Tom
And Roger, last but not least!
Northwest of the island in 14 feet, conditions great;
Beautiful, sunny 50 degrees
Left launch at 9:00am
Except for Tom & John who were “fashionably late!”
Ten inches of ice with 2 inches of soft ice topper;
Enabled us to take the trailer out on the ice,
Without worrying it would land in the hopper!
Everyone dove for 30 minutes in depths up to 21 feet;
Dives were smooth and successful;
Except Tom & Paul’s, who had a minor setback to beat;
Forgot to hook up dry suit inflators,
So spent 10 minute under the hole bound up like a noose;
Connecting hoses, but one stuck,
And had to be cut loose!
Add in some frustration and strife –
As Paul had to surface,
Didn’t know how to fold back his knife!
The rest of their dive was somewhat visibly impaired,
Due to John aka “Pig Pen” and Jeff mucking it up –
As if no one cared!
Several bottles, cans, and anchors abound;
Even a cow embossed milk bottle from Italy
Was a prize to be found!
Another great find by Roger –
A five blade prop of stainless steel,
Soon to be available on eBay
Or “Let’s Make a Deal”.
Had some visitors, Scott – “Pig Pen’s” own son;
And several ATVers out for some fun.
After packing up the trailer, we feasted on ham sammies with HUGE pickle chasers too;
And even shared some bourbon-aged beers with the crew.
When all of a sudden, there was a ‘tap tap tap’ on the trailer door!
Was it the DNR, here to check out our score?
No, much to our surprise, it was Julie and Laura to brighten our day;
Visited for awhile before we all went on our way.
We left the lake as the ice fishing jamboree crowd were gathering about;
Ready to also enjoy this beautiful day, no doubt!
Next week’s dive is still TBD –
Depends on what Mother Nature brings
So stay tuned and see!
