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Cho Choo Booty Found on Pewaukee 5/29

Six Divers found the Booty flag on Pewaukee! Pete, Steph, Ryan, Roger, Jim, Steph & Megan were all searching. Started with the deer bootie in parking lot.

Loaded the boat and set off on a semi warm spring day at the end of May.

Visibility was good for Pewaukee 3'

Everyone had a good time with a few treasures found!

3 Booty Anchors, one of 30lb was recovered.

Total haul was great for some bottles and lake clean up, but the special fine was Petes!

he found a before Cho Choo set, here it is dirty and then...

Cleaned up for Pennsylvania engine and coal tank. Not sure the kid that lost it was very happy with that drop overboard. An entertaining night with Food from Roger!

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