Those rookie divers looking really confused on a warm but breezy day.
A full crew of divers with 2 trailers to change in. Robert and Paul manning the ropes. Tom's on the frog giggger, Johns stupervising, Julie texting and Dan and Pete watching the box. Paul almost looked looped around that rope.
Everyone is jumping in, but Jeff's still hungry.
Mark is watching closely
Robert's very excited to have his first dive.
Not really sure who cut the hole in the ice, but was very scary
John was just relaxing soaking in the vitamin D. Pete just was speechless.
Picked a clear and good spot to go under.
Could even see the rope under ice
Full crew helping out with Dan, Ryan, Jim, Robert and Pete manning ropes.
Looked worse than it really was with both sets of divers down.
Sending 2 triples out, Poor Pete and John had to follow muck cloud Dan.
Cozy trailer with good food and drink.
I think someone might have been pushing the boundaries of COVID restrictions to open a beer or so he said.
Closed up and marked done for the week.