12 Divers, 10 pumpkins, 11 pots of chili and a fun time for all
A surprisingly warm fall day with a beautiful sunset for all.
A few divers popped up early, one with no hoodie, another w/o gloves.
Pumpkins Pumpkins everywhere.
Who needs a float flag when you carve a dive flag in the Pumpkin?
A Kelp bed
a wobbly site sight line, maybe beers consumed already?
Happy tooth
Steph had a lot of time and looked like a surgeon with that artwork:
Maybe the kraut in the chili was too much?
Laying down on the job with Tom's nose
Colors from Rhonda with a few of her spare hats ;)
The Nagawicka Beach House was rocking with spooky sounds and brews
Thanks to all of spouses for support and treats!
I think Jeff found the hot one
Enough coolers of cold brews were abundantly found, but all that chili took John into a food coma.
Winner Chili were Paul and Paula! Thanks for that smoked sirloin chili wit a little bite.
Roger won the carve award, hum he was the first one in the water was he really carving?
Jeff's subtle suggestion for the December meeting.
A great time was had by all, if only we had to wait for another year.