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2/2 Ground Hog Day Diving on Pewaukee Again

Writer's picture: SesoSeso

Well I'm sure there is a story here somewhere...Why oh why is Paul not wearing any undergarments after his dive? Well if you want to ask him, come to next dive meeting 2/11 6pm at Stillwater Diving LLC off of Hwy 83 and I94.

Pete, Mark, John, Paul, Jeff all ventured out Happy at the start then...
Pete, Mark, John, Paul, Jeff all ventured out Happy at the start then...

The ice started cracking in front of us, was kind of spooky like Ice Truckers and a wave, I'm not sure we should be telling Jeanie about it so don't let her know anything or Roger won't be able to bring his UTV out at all this year for the ice dives.

See he is even giving the thumbs up for the lack of speaking to her about that.

Water was clear, but for some reason just a bit of fluid seemed to be leaking over the surface. Not sure how that happened, but Pete was blaming John who was innocent!

Got a new "What is it" gizmo #2 after last weeks slight mishap with a stuck chunk of ice

Worked really well except who put that in front of the rope box?  Pete said John, but again...
Worked really well except who put that in front of the rope box? Pete said John, but again...
Mark was excited, he gets to go with Roger.
Mark was excited, he gets to go with Roger.
Roger was all set, Paul had cloths on
Roger was all set, Paul had cloths on

Pete was in a great mood, yup you got it he didn't have to dive with John again.

Well it makes sense he got to go alone, he really likes that. It appears a bit cloudy?

Yup, that hole looks really cloudy. I wonder why? Oh someone admitted it...

Paul was the guilty muck monster, unbelievable. He did have to dive with John who taught him some new tricks. I'm thinking Tom needs to start diving soon with him, or Paul is going to be a real muck monster like Jeff.

Amazing that Pete is right there and you can't even see him.

There he is, well from the shoulders up at least.

Look at that smile, he mush have had great visibility after 200' from the hole! Oh boy he must have found something really good.

John found a few embossed bottles.

Several goodies for everyone

 Roger and Mark found some nice anchors
 Roger and Mark found some nice anchors
John found this bad boy, but he had to drag it along the bottom for just a bit
John found this bad boy, but he had to drag it along the bottom for just a bit

Overall a really good haul, too bad Jeff could not join us he would have loved it.
Overall a really good haul, too bad Jeff could not join us he would have loved it.

Pete found a nice "Port Washington" bottle never seen before.
Pete found a nice "Port Washington" bottle never seen before.

Had some great food and a few beers, somebody did not take their fair share for sure Roger & Paul
Had some great food and a few beers, somebody did not take their fair share for sure Roger & Paul
Well if you didn't guess yet, Paul had a little neck seal issue and was drenched, but what a trouper he never complained to John, not that he could see him to come up early.
Well if you didn't guess yet, Paul had a little neck seal issue and was drenched, but what a trouper he never complained to John, not that he could see him to come up early.

Off the ice we went, it was a great dive and we made it back even with the waves.

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