Not Pyeong Chang but Nagawicka is were it went down –
The 2018 Olympics of ice diving,
And the best fried turkey in town!
Making Twitter come alive!
Eighteen people hit this ice turkey fest –
For this club, that’s a personal best!
There were babies and oldies and all in between,
Three trailers, three ATVs
It was quite the scene!
A sunny day with temps around 35, not too cold or too hot;
Pete worked hard to build a wind block and hot oil frying spot.
Dan and Jan were the first brave divers to take the plunge into the cold;
First ice dive in 20 years for Jan, proving it never gets old!
Pete and John were next getting lost in the opening three times at least –
Navigating that channel was quite the beast!
It was “touch and feel” all the way through,
Open water to seek;
Visibility was nil and navigation was bleak!
Last souls to brave it were Roger and Jeff who did it with ease,
Fifteen feet of ice broke off and moved;
To which they were quite pleased!
After the dive, Pete was the master chef with grease galore!
Frying anything and everything,
Mozzarella sticks, onion rings, shrooms and more!
It was a pig out feast to be sure!
Lots of desserts, chocolate cake, and Lori’s “to die for cookies”
Almost too much for our stomachs to endure!
Even the Nag park patrol were in on the spree,
Giving us all tickets, except Tom (aka Eeyore) –
Who brown-nosed his way free!
A memorable event in the logs of the Four Seasons Scuba Divers Club,
Good weather, good friends, and excellent grub!

Looks safe for Diving, not for walking Pete, did Dennis teach your checking technique?

Roger is still looking where that guy went in.

Trailer made it on Ice before the big melt

Some Old guys...

Some Dumb

Some Young

Some Dumb

Some Hungry

Some Party

Some Dumb
Some Divers, even the one that skipped 20 years of ice diving

Some Good Food

A great Day!!!
