Well the crew piled into the boat for a fantastic night of diving.
Jeff, Jeff, Roger, Steve, Pete and John
Everyone was happy in 80's with surface water at 77, down below was still 45.
Did get a bit chilly after 30 minutes below thermocline.
It was crystal clear night and no boats, mabye that rain storm that swept by earlier in the day took care of all the traffic. Just a guess.
Even a Bald eagle was observing us down below.
Quite a few treasures were found, a special red block of plastic ended up recycled.
The Copper Orange anchor was made of lead and quite heavy.
Nice weld marks to really show off the prized treasure. Maybe Pete will bring it in for the next dive meeting?
Check out the long swim from Roger and Jeff, they definitely outpaced Pete/John's normal long route. Must have be anchor slowowing him down.
Visibility was quite outstanding, one of the bottle finds'
We did find a very VERY large fish asleep on the bottom, just waiting to be disturbed. Greb didn't believe we saw this monster.
Pete's big find
Even a Cone top was found, by John but he dropped it...
A great night and then off to North Lake Inn for Pizza and brews.